Scraper heat exchanger is a heat exchange equipment especially suitable for processing viscous, high viscous, granular liquid or liquid products requiring certain crystallization applications. It is usually used for heating and cooling, crystallization, pasteurization, steaming, disinfection, gel, concentration, freezing, evaporation and other continuous production processes in food processing, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and other industries.
2022/10/07 Ftherm Machinery
For continuous processing of viscous and other challenging products, the Ftherm® range of scraped-surface heat exchangers means more for your production. More thermal efficiency. More yield. More qual
2022/09/01 Ftherm Machinery
Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers (Cantherm SSHE model 6 × 3) are widely used industrially. In this kind of heat exchanger, the inlet and the outlet are difficult to clean due to their particular geomet
2022/07/28 Ftherm Scraped Surface heat exchanger
The present study analyses the performance of a scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE) equipped with a new arrangement of blades to achieve higher thermal efficiencies than the conventional SSHE.
2022/07/28 Ftherm Machinery
We have extended the life cycle of the machine to avoid waste. The quality and quality of our repaired margarine equipment has been confirmed many times in Denmark, Germany, the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden and other machines. We have given these margarine equipment, scraper type with fast OEM capabilities and professional services The second life of heat exchanger machines. These machines have been repaired, refurbished and remodeled by us, and can be easily extended after a thorough overhaul.
2022/07/18 Ftherm Machinery
Sterilisation is like pasteurisation a method of thermal processing to remove living micro-organisms. Compared to pasteurisation, a heat treatment of over 100°C is applied for a period long enough.
2022/06/24 Ftherm Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
The food industry often faces some viscous, high-viscosity, particle-containing liquids or liquid products that require a certain crystallization process, usually need to complete the heating and cool
2022/06/24 Ftherm Machinery
The votator is a scraped surface heat exchanger equipment that is especially suitable for processing viscous, high viscosity, particle-containing liquids that require certain heat treament applications.
2022/06/24 Ftherm Machinery